Our system is designed to help school adminstators keep track of all the activities in the school at one place. It is specifically designed, keeping in mind requirements and needs of schools in Pakistan. It has variety of features, ranging from student admissions to attendance, exam performance and many more. Mainly it is used at two places, one at school to perform daily activites and other at the centre(Headquartrers) to keep track of all the branches, located in different places.


Discover the key features of our school management system, revolutionizing administrative tasks, student data management, attendance tracking, and more

Responsive interface

Logins according to privileges

Fully Digitized Finance

Student’s complete profile

Staff’s complete profile




Multiple marks systems

Online exam system

Responsive Interface

Experience seamless navigation and optimal user experience with our school management system's responsive interface, accessible across devices.

Enhance productivity and accessibility with our school management system's responsive interface, adapting to different screen sizes for a consistent experience.

Effortlessly manage your school's operations on-the-go with our responsive interface, ensuring smooth functionality on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Improve efficiency and user satisfaction with our school management system's responsive interface, enabling easy access and interaction from anywhere, anytime.

Student Current Year Fee plan & Challan ​

01 : Student’s complete fee structure.

02 : Easy to mange and edit fee of student according to need.

03 : Just a click away to auto generate the challan form.

04 : System auto generates DUEDATE & Late Fee just you need to set issue date.


Being in touch with the parents is essence of our system, so system allows you to send SMS to group or individual SMS to parents without entering number again and again.
SMS will be sent by your school name


System provides you ease to add books to your library.
Now a click away to assign books to students.
Mange the record & stock for assigned book.

Cambridge Results

We provide your facility to add your Cambridge results and use for years to come.
Analysis and reports are generated.
Monthly , weekly , terminal reports and Result Cards.
Create and Modify Monthly , weekly and Term.

Board Results

We provide you facility to add your board results and use for years to come.
Analysis and reports are generated.
Monthly , weekly , term reports.
Create and Modify Monthly , weekly and Term.

Book reading system

We provide unique idea of keeping track of books read by your students.
Their improvement in reading, multiple reports and result cards can be generated .


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